
10 famous traditional Colombian dishes

Colombia has the privilege of having three mountain ranges that cross the country from south to north, allowing the visitor to enjoy every type of climate: hot weather in the lowlands, warm, temperate climates in the middle range, and cold weather in the highlands and on moorland peaks and areas of perpetual snow.

In each region vegetation and fauna are different; for example, the lowlands produce rice, banana, sorghum, cotton and livestock is bred for the production of meat. The warm climate is conducive to fruit and coffee and meat production; in cold climates potatoes and vegetables are grown, and cattle are bred for milk production.
Hence the great gastronomic variety in Colombia. These are the 10 of the most famous dishes of Colombian cuisine:
Ajiaco con pollo

Bandeja paisa



La lechona

Cuchuco de trigo con espinazo

La fritanga

Arroz con coco

La Mamona

Arepa de huevo


Artesandinos SAS
+57 312 519 5611
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Bogotá, Colombia
South America